Quilted Towel Topper 2
(all in the hoop)


Full instructions and photo help included

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The quilting gets done in the hoop, so any material of your choice can be used.

The Topper can be attached to the towel:
with the "in hoop"  stitching lines provided, or
you can use the second or third feature whereby the  Topper attaches to a separate buttonhole strip, or a ribbon strip which is attached to the towel. This is so if your towel gets soiled quickly, you only have to remove the towel, and not wash the Topper each time.
Everything is done in the hoop, except for the sewing on of the buttons.
5x7(15 design files)

This set is available in 5x7 only

CCQ0005 - Quilted Towel Topper 2


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