Quilt in the hoop

Stitch and Flip Squares

CCQ0333 - Radiant Sunshine

Please be sure you order the correct size of this product.

(5x5 ) 129mm   or  (6x6) 159mm or (8x8) 199mm  - The 4x4 size is included in each set

Stitch and Flip Squares

Use the satin edge provided in each design


, or leave out the satin edge
and use traditional methods to join your squares


This set contains the following squares - all made in one hooping
Square 01 - can use up to 7 contrast fabrics
Decorative stitching on top - 3 Decorative options with this square Fully quilted, but each "segment" is quilted separately to match the thread to the fabric
Square 02 - can use up to four contrast fabrics
Decorative stitching on top- 3 Decorative options with this square Fully quilted, but each "segment" is quilted separately to match the thread to the fabric

You Receive

in the 130mm set - 5 inch (129mm) Squares + the 4x4 (99mm) size of each square

in the 160mm set - 6.2 inch (159mm Squares + the 4x4 (99mm) size of each square

in the 200mm set - 7.85 inch (199mm) Squares  + the 4x4 (99mm) size of each square

 Total of 16 Squares

*****Please take note - all the projects on display are made from using printed or plain fabric - the fabric is not included in the set. You would use whichever fabric you choose to for your projects.*****

A PDF Document is included to assist you 

Click here for more examples and more tote  pictures  

This Set is available in

4x4 / 5x5 / 6x6 / 8x8 inches

Please be sure you order the correct size of this product.

CCQ00333 - Radiant Sunshine


The Designs are provided in DST/EXP/HUS/JEF/PES/VIP and VP3 - unless otherwise indicated (if you need a different format please let me know)

To Purchase - Please click on your selected size below - Please be sure you order the correct size of this product.


Buy Now - CQ0333 - Radiant Sunshine - 5x5(130mm)


Buy Now - CQ0333 - Radiant Sunshine - 6x6(160mm)


Buy Now - CQ0333 - Radiant Sunshine - 8x8(200mm)


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